Only official website of TronLink:
Android iOS Extension

TronLink for Android


Supported: Android 7.0 or later

Updated on:

Google Play
Android APK
Latest Version:
Official APK Mirrors
US Singapore
Scan to Install
Please follow the instructions below to install the app. The risk of asset losses and any other damage otherwise incurred shall be borne by the user.

Please install the app from the official website and check the latter's SSL certificate.

Please make sure the APK file from Google Play is developed by "Helix Tech Company Limited".

Please verify the authenticity of the APK file downloaded from the official website or any other channels.

Please get the package only from our official website as TronLink does not provide packages in any third-party channel.

Please keep your private keys and mnemonics safe.

GPG VerificationRecommended
Public Key Fingerprint:
Signature File:
SHA256 Verification